As the Market Stumbles
Recently, as the market stumbles and struggles, many are asking why invest at all? Isn’t this all too risky? How about I just stash cash under my mattress?
This thinking will affect millions and will probably result in them not building wealth. And the reason is one of framing the mind for success. You see, they are thinking about investing in all the wrong ways, with a losing mentality.
Losing Mentality vs. Winning Mentality
This is not just some gimmicky tag line, this is real! The losing mentality is trying to keep pace every day with a frantic and literally manic/depressive market mood. And the emotions are stirred up into a dangerous concoction by the media that sells advertising and makes media moguls rich. You have to see through this illusion to build wealth.
There is no magic day when it all clicks and your investment accounts go to the moon and life is transformed like a fairytale forever. Get this childish and immature idea out of your head.
A winning mentality understands that what you are doing as an investor is building several passive income machines. There are many ways to do this that we analyze at Money Vikings. Here are several of my favorites described below. BUT, remember, it won’t matter until we develop winning mentalities, not losing mentalities.
The Secret
The secret to how people retire early or have greater options in life or gain financial independence is simply passive income. Most folks in the US retire off social security, a small pension and/or small withdrawals from a 401k built up over many years. But what if you could build passive income machines 10 or 20 years before your 65th birthday!

Every wealthy person I have met has various passive income “machines”. These “machines” may take management on occasion, but they do not take daily or constant work on your part. They do typically take hard work on the front end to set up properly. But after they are set up, they produce money and income as you sleep. If you seek F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early) or perhaps you just seek more flexibility and freedom, you must build passive income machines.
Make money while you nap.
Here are seven popular passive income “machines” used to generate extra income. Some are quite easy to get started and simply require an initial investment, others would take many years to structure and put in place:
One of the main ways people create passive income for their future self is by each and every month adding to an individual retirement account (IRA) or 401k through their employer. The trifecta of dollar cost averaging, a company match and compounding have a powerful wealth building effect!
With these amounts saved, one can generate a certain amount of “passive income” from their investment account. For example, with about $1 million invested, a person can generate about $40k a year in income with a low probability of depleting the account too quickly. In recent years the 4% rule is being challenged, but I still like it as a reasonable estimation of how much passive income I can derive from a well diversified portfolio.
I have used Airbnb and had friends that have rented extra rooms to foreign exchange students. Again, this is a straightforward way to turn a liability (housing) into an asset that generates cash flow. With Airbnb you can closely screen prospective guests. Cars and other vehicles can also be rented out. This is a way to turn a liability into an asset, and enjoy the asset along the way.
Real Estate is probably the oldest form of passive income. But it typically takes large amounts of capital to start enjoying the passive income gains. But not anymore with the miracle of technology and crowdfunding. With platforms like Fundraise.com, for as little as $1,000 you can invest in real estate developments all over the country that are professionally constructed and managed. I personally use this platform to earn 10–20% returns and so far it has been great.
Here at The Money Vikings we feature a lot of posts about dividend paying stocks. One reason is that these are a simple and straightforward way to start creating passive income flows. There are many advantages to this approach. For one, it can be done almost instantly. If a person goes onto Robinhood, they can buy a share of a dividend King like Johnson & Johnson or Kraft Heinz and receive passive income almost instantly.
We like following the Dividend Diplomats who chronicle their journey to create large dividend portfolios that provide significant income to live on. They are building positions in publicly traded companies a few shares at a time.
One of the classic passive income plays is real estate rental property, both residential and commercial. But this can be challenging for the average investor. It typically takes a large amount of initial capital and time to make this machine work properly. One tactic that works over the years is to make sure to hold on to properties previously purchased and rent them out. This way you can test the waters and see if you have the patience, skills and resources to rent out the property. This takes people skills, business skills and some knowledge of maintaining a property. Remember, as the landlord, you deal with the late-night calls that the pipe burst or water heater crashed.
Jerry and I started The Money Vikings blog last December 2017. Our mission is to learn, inspire, teach and achieve new levels of wealth and financial freedom. We share ideas with others to inspire them to do the same and build a healthy, productive life and community. By inspiring and motivating each other we have already achieved new levels of net worth and passive income on our journey to “conquer financial freedom!”
Starting a blog is a huge labor of love and takes time and commitment. I would advise a person to discover a topic they are passionate about and that others are interested in. This is the only way you will stick with it and hopefully help and inspire others along the way. Blogs are monetized through placement of ads or affiliate links depending on the main topics of your blog. Even if you do not earn any money at it, blogging is a fun, creative and value added adventure in my opinion.
a. Pick a topic you are passionate about, learn to write well and structure your thoughts and ensure others are also interested in the topic.
b. Pick a good domain name, think about creating a brand identity, sign up with WordPress and find a host for the domain name.
c. Research and write good quality content that helps people. Engage with others on social media.
d. Develop your privacy policy, legal disclosures, etc.
e. Apply for adsense or other advertisement platform to monetize.

This has not been popular for quite a long time because accounts are not yielding much. But the tide may turn and this may change with rising rates. Does anyone remember the era when you could earn 3–5% on a certificate of deposit (CD) at a bank? With interest rates rising there may be some relief in site and CD rates should begin to gradually rise.
I am also revisiting bond funds and products. I like high quality corporate and municipal bonds. Remember these are lending type investments where you are lending your capital to make a return.
There are of course other forms of passive income. Social security is a nice form of passive income, but you have to wait a long time to collect on that one. There are also risky passive income ideas like cryptocurrencies, but these seem to have some maturing and development required. There is also development of intellectual property and patents. This can include books, inventions, artwork, etc that pays a royalty. You may want to be building other sources step by step during your working years in order to accelerate your path to financial independence!
There are many other ways to earn income that should be explored. Owning a franchise or small business is another way to earn income. The thing we are not taught in school is that once these are set up, they simply take management over the years, but not constant attention.