Hot Trades - Closed AAPL Iron Condor for 25% ROI
On Friday, shortly before the market close, I decided to close my AAPL Iron Condor at 50% max profit target!
On Friday, shortly before the market close, I decided to close my Iron Condor for 2 dollars away from my 50% max profit target. I sold it for 1.70 on 12/16, and closed for .87 on 11/18, netting an $83 profit over the past 30 days. To close, I did the following:
Bought 1 AAPL 12/16 Put 135 @ 0.91
Bought 1 AAPL 12/16 Call 165 @ 0.83
Sold 1 AAPL 12/16 Put 130 @ 0.53
Sold 1 AAPL 12/16 Call 170 @ 0.34