
Great questions hard to say but seems the range for current market is between 17 and 30. Normal seems to be 20-24. I agree when it gets below 20 it tends to spike up. When it’s below 20 I feel like the market is getting a bit complacent. I do like when it’s higher because that means more premium for iron condors and strangles. Because of its mean-reverting properties I like betting it will go down when it gets to extremes (30+) over betting it will go up when it’s low. That being said I would never try to “short” the vix itself by selling calls against it or something. A simple slow decline is fine with me.

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With all the volatility lately, the VIX has been bouncing like a ping pong ball. What do you consider the "normal" range for it to be now? And what level would you consider it stretched to the point that it'll likely pull back or rise? For the latter, it seems like whenever it falls below 20, it shoots up. But I'm not sure if recent conditions will change that.

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